Fixed: WiFi Won’t Turn On Windows 10? 5 Best Solution [2024]

Fixed: WiFi Won’t Turn On Windows 10? 5 Best Solution [2024]

Facing the dreaded Wi-Fi connectivity issue on Windows 10 can be frustrating. A stable Wi-Fi connection is pivotal for smooth browsing, work, and entertainment. In this guide, we’ll explore the best solutions to tackle the problem of Wi-Fi not turning on in Windows 10, ensuring a hassle-free online experience.

Understanding Wi-Fi Issues in Windows 10

Wi-Fi issues in Windows 10 can stem from various sources, including driver malfunctions, hardware problems, or software glitches. These issues significantly impact user experience, causing disruptions in online activities and hindering productivity.

Troubleshooting Steps

Restarting the Device

A simple restart often resolves minor Wi-Fi issues. Power cycling your device can refresh the system and fix temporary glitches affecting the Wi-Fi functionality.

How to Restart
  1. Shut Down: Begin by shutting down your computer properly.
  2. Wait for a Moment: Allow a few moments before turning it back on.
  3. Turn On: Power your device back on and check if the Wi-Fi functionality has been restored.
When to Use Restarting

Whenever you encounter sudden Wi-Fi issues or notice a lack of connectivity, performing a restart is a quick and simple initial step. It’s particularly useful for intermittent or minor issues that might not require advanced troubleshooting.

Additional Tips
  • Ensure to power off completely, not just sleep or hibernate, for a complete restart.
  • Give your device a few minutes before turning it back on to allow any residual charge to dissipate.
  • If the issue persists, proceed with further troubleshooting steps mentioned in this guide.

Restarting your device is often the first step recommended by tech experts to resolve minor Wi-Fi issues and should be your go-to action when encountering connectivity problems.

Checking Hardware Connections

Loose or faulty hardware connections can impede Wi-Fi functionality. Ensure all cables, adapters, and physical connections associated with your Wi-Fi device are secure and undamaged.

Verifying Physical Connections
  1. Router and Modem: Begin by checking the connections of your router and modem. Ensure the power cables are plugged in securely, and the lights indicating internet connectivity are on.
  2. Device Connections: Examine the physical connections between your computer or laptop and the Wi-Fi adapter or network card. If using a USB Wi-Fi adapter, ensure it’s inserted correctly into the USB port.
  3. Ethernet Cable (if applicable): If you’re using an Ethernet cable for internet connectivity, check if it’s firmly plugged into both your device and the router or modem.
Re-seating Connections
  1. Power Cycle: Try power cycling your router and modem by unplugging them for about 30 seconds and then plugging them back in. This can sometimes resolve connectivity issues caused by minor glitches.
  2. Device Restart: Similarly, restart your computer after checking physical connections to refresh the system.
Visual Inspection

Inspect the cables and ports for any damage or wear. Sometimes, even a slight disconnection can cause intermittent or no Wi-Fi connectivity.

Additional Tips
  • Ensure cables are not frayed, bent, or damaged in any way.
  • For laptops, check if the Wi-Fi switch (if available) is turned on or if the Wi-Fi function key (often Fn + F key combination) is enabled.
Updating Drivers

Outdated or corrupted drivers are common culprits behind Wi-Fi malfunctions. Updating drivers through Device Manager or manufacturer websites can often rectify these issues.

Advanced Solutions

Command Prompt Fixes

Advanced users can employ Command Prompt commands like ipconfig or netsh to troubleshoot complex Wi-Fi problems by resetting network configurations.

Network Reset Guide

Windows 10 offers a network reset feature that reverts all network settings to their default state, potentially resolving persistent Wi-Fi issues.

Utilizing Built-in Windows Features

Windows Network Troubleshooter

Leverage Windows’ built-in Network Troubleshooter to automatically detect and resolve common Wi-Fi problems, guiding you through step-by-step solutions.

Safe Mode Troubleshooting

Booting Windows 10 in Safe Mode disables unnecessary drivers and services, helping identify if third-party software is causing Wi-Fi disruptions.

External Tools & Software

Consider using reputable third-party software designed to diagnose and repair Wi-Fi issues in Windows 10. While these tools offer convenience, they may have limitations or associated costs.


Why does Wi-Fi sometimes fail to turn on in Windows 10?

Wi-Fi issues in Windows 10 can arise due to various reasons, including:
Driver Problems: Outdated or corrupt drivers can hinder the proper functioning of the Wi-Fi adapter.
Software Glitches: System updates or software conflicts might disrupt the Wi-Fi functionality.
Hardware Issues: Physical damage to the adapter or loose connections can cause problems.
Network Configuration Errors: Changes or misconfigurations in network settings can lead to Wi-Fi issues.

How can I troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues effectively?

Effective troubleshooting involves several steps:
Restarting Devices: Power cycling your computer, router, and modem can resolve minor glitches.
Checking Hardware: Verify physical connections and ensure hardware components are functioning.
Updating Drivers: Ensure your Wi-Fi adapter drivers are up to date.
Running Troubleshooters: Use Windows’ built-in Network Troubleshooter to identify and fix issues.
Resetting Network Settings: As a last resort, resetting network settings might resolve persistent issues.

Is it necessary to update drivers for fixing Wi-Fi problems?

Yes, updating drivers is crucial for resolving Wi-Fi problems in Windows 10. Outdated or faulty drivers can cause connectivity issues. Updating them via Device Manager or the manufacturer’s website often resolves these problems.

Should I seek professional help for persistent Wi-Fi issues?

If you’ve tried basic troubleshooting steps without success, seeking professional assistance might be necessary. Expert technicians or IT support can diagnose and fix complex or hardware-related Wi-Fi problems.

Can outdated firmware cause Wi-Fi problems?

Yes, outdated firmware in routers or network devices can lead to Wi-Fi issues. Firmware updates often include bug fixes and improvements for better compatibility and performance.


In conclusion, addressing Wi-Fi problems on Windows 10 requires a systematic approach. By following these solutions and best practices, users can resolve Wi-Fi connectivity issues effectively and restore seamless internet access.

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